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Centre for Data, Culture & Society: The Distance Cure: COVID-19 & Future of Therapeutic Work

  • Centre for Data, Culture & Society The University of Edinburgh scotland (map)

Register here.

Co-organised by CCRI and the Centre for Data, Culture & Society, this seminar will draw from, and spin off, Hannah Zeavin’s first book, The Distance Cure: A History of Teletherapy, published by MIT Press, with a foreword by John Durham Peters. Hannah is at work on her second book, Mother’s Little Helpers: Technology in the American Family (MIT Press, under contract). Other academic work has appeared in or is forthcoming from differences: A Journal of Feminist Studies, Technology and Culture, American Imago, Media, Culture, & Society, and elsewhere. Essays and other public writing have appeared or are forthcoming from Bookforum, Dissent, The Guardian, Harper’s Magazine, n+1, The New York Review of Books, Slate, The Washington Post, and beyond.

Hannah Zeavin is a scholar, writer, and editor whose work centres on the history of human sciences (psychoanalysis, psychology, and psychiatry), the history of technology, feminist STS, and media theory. She is an Assistant Professor at Indiana University in the Luddy School of Informatics. Additionally, she is a visiting fellow at the Columbia University Center for the Study of Social Difference.

This event will be held in person and recorded. The room details will be found in the Order Confirmation you receive following registration. If you'd like to join this event live but are unable to attend in person please contact CCRI (; we’re exploring how we might offer an online live attendance option.

*Those who are able to attend in person are welcome to join us socially after the seminar to keep the conversation going. We'll be going to Doctors on Forrest Road.*