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Telehealth: Winter 2021 webinar with Sylvie Grosjean and Hannah Zeavin

The Diament Chair invites you to its winter 2021 webinar on the theme “Telehealth.” The purpose of this session is to tackle the issues of tele-mental health and telemedicine, which have developed a lot since the start of the pandemic, in a cross-cutting manner.

More and more data on teleconsultation practices are available or being collected, and we would like to better understand what part of the developing uses of telemedicine and teletherapy are that could become sustainable and desirable. We hypothesize that habits taken in physical health have an impact on those in mental health.

To discuss this, we will welcome our colleague Sylvie Grosjean (University of Ottawa), holder of the International Francophonie Research Chair in Digital Health Technologies, and Hannah Zeavin (University of California at Berkeley), author of the book The Distance Cure : A History of Teletherapy (MIT Press, 2021), which she will present to us in preview.

In this book, Zeavin shows that teletherapy is not a recent invention and that psychotherapy has always worked through multiple communication technologies and media, including the letter, newspaper columns, radio broadcasts, lines. crisis helplines, the first mainframe networks, home computing and now cell phones.

Offered exclusively by videoconference and open to all in several time zones, the webinar will leave plenty of room for discussion.

It will be led by Stéphane Vial , holder of the Diament Chair, and moderated by Sana Boudhraâ, postdoctoral researcher in the Diament Chair.


1:00 p.m. - Welcome and introduction

First presentation

13 h 10 - A History of teletherapy by Hannah Zeavin (University of California, Berkeley) [ English translated ]

1:30 p.m. - Discussion

Second presentation

1:50 p.m. - Telemedicine in practice: communication and relationship issues , by Sylvie Grosjean (University of Ottawa)

2:10 p.m. - Discussion

2:30 p.m. - End

Register in advance

Your email address will be used to receive a Zoom meeting reminder with all the details to connect. It can also be used to notify you of our upcoming webinars, but you can unsubscribe. Places limited to 300 people.

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Log in on February 3, 2021

Join the webinar on Zoom at this address:

Meeting ID: 879 1081 5421
Secret code (password): 193489